This patch is a fix that fixes an annoying behavior of XTerm that has been ongoing for quite some time:
The compose key is usually used to build complex chars. However, when
the mouse is above the XTerm scrollbar (when XTerm is started with -sb
option), this compose key is completely ignored, and typed chars are
written without being composed.
This patch fixes that behavior. However, it was written as a quickfix to
the annoying behavior and it may have unexpected consequences. In
particular, the use of that xtermAddInput
is not clear at all, and no
obvious consequence could be observed.
--- a/scrollbar.c
+++ b/scrollbar.c
@@ -477,7 +477,6 @@ ScrollBarOn(XtermWidget xw, Bool init)
} else {
- xtermAddInput(screen->scrollWidget);
TRACE_TRANS("scrollbar", screen->scrollWidget);